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AWS CloudFormation

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AWS CloudFormation Stack

cloudformation.#Stack Inputs

config.regionstringAWS region
config.accessKeydagger.#SecretAWS access key
config.secretKeydagger.#SecretAWS secret key
config.localMode*false \| boolAWS localstack mode
sourcestringSource is the Cloudformation template (JSON/YAML string)
stackNamestringStackname is the cloudformation stack
parametersstructStack parameters
onFailure*"DO_NOTHING" \| "ROLLBACK" \| "DELETE"Behavior when failure to create/update the Stack
timeout*10 \| \>=0 & intMaximum waiting time until stack creation/update (in minutes)
neverUpdate*false \| trueNever update the stack if already exists

cloudformation.#Stack Outputs

No output.